Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Project Life 2012 - Week 4

The Mom Creative

First, I celebrated this weekend because I finally finished my 2011 album!  It's done!  I put all the supplies away that specifically go with that kit.  I filled in any spaces that were empty.  I'm DONE journaling.  It feels like the year is finally complete!  And it only took a month into the new year! HA! Even though there isn't a picture for EVERY single day (I'm missing about 50) this is the first project life that I consider complete.  2010 has the pictures in the album, but I only did about the first 8 months of journaling ... and there are a lot more than 50 missing pictures!

On a related note... my inspiration and determination for this year are stronger than ever!  It will be a LOT easier to just keep up with it every week than to go back and fill in 5 months at the end of the year!  It will be a lot easier to just take a picture every day than to go through and cut coordinating card stock into 4x6 and 3x4 cards to fill in blank spots!

Since I was doing about 5 months worth of journaling for my 2011 album I've got a question.  When I'm writing the cards I found I was using "I" a lot.  I think it will be pretty obvious that I was the one putting the album together, but should I be using my name/mommy in the journaling instead of "I"? 

...also in my journaling, I noticed that I use an awful lot of  exclamation marks!! :)

Last comment before we get on with the pictures.  I would love to have my pages done and pictures of the layouts for Project Life Tuesday, but I don't get my pictures printed that fast.  I usually print several weeks to a months worth of pictures at a time so that I don't have to pay shipping on 7-12 pictures every week.  So even though I want to share my completed layouts, this is what works for me.  This is what gets my pictures and words documented every week so that hopefully I don't get behind this year!

Now, the good stuff for this week...
Monday 1/23
Scoot was playing in the kitchen cabinet while I got her more juice and pulled a glass jar down on her little tiny pinky toe.  That was the worst I've ever seen her in pain and it broke my heart that I couldn't make it better with a kiss.  

Tuesday 1/24
Baby Roo is a surprise but I wanted to make him/her an appropriately colored blanket.  So I made two.  And a nice neutral yellow one.  Scoot has a pink one and her special blanket is white.  The yellow one is made exactly like Scoot's special white blanket so we'll see if Roo likes it as much as Scoot. 

Wednesday 1/25
I made Scoot a strawberry smoothie to go with her cereal and banana breakfast.  She sucked down that cup full of smoothie before I could even get to the table to eat my own breakfast.  I'd say she liked it!

Thursday 1/26
It was a beautiful day today so we played outside for most of the afternoon.  Scoot is taking a break after wearing herself out playing a game that involved going up one side of the porch and down the other - repeat 358271638591 times. 

Friday 1/27
Scoot and Daddy sit on the couch and read the paper together. As long as he gets to read the sports section first, Daddy doesn't mind what part Scoot reads and/or tears up. :)

Saturday 1/28
The inside of the laundry basket became Scoot's little cave to hide in.  She laid with her blanket, read a book, talked to her baby, talked on the phone, and even watched some TV from inside.  It's the simple things!

Sunday 1/29
We took Lollie and Pop out to dinner for Lollie's birthday.  Scoot was a really good girl the whole time and loved sitting with Pop after we all finished eating.  She even taught him to play the trumpet on a straw, which both of them thought was hilarious!

34 weeks with Baby Roo


  1. Your photos are so cute and so is your blog. Love the dots!! Laughing at her repeated steps up and down the stairs, to bad we don't have their energy. Great that you put your photo in there also.

    Congrats on finishing 2011, it does feel great to have that year documented!!
    Have a good week!

  2. Oh that poor little toe!!! (note the exclamation marks??) :)

    I always use "I", it works because everyone knows that it was me who made the album. I also use "Mum" for my mother, rather than "Nanna" - for the same reason.

  3. wonderful pictures especially the toes and the one where they are sitting on the couch reading the newspaper :)

    I don't have the patience to wait for my pictures to come in so I go to CVS...


  4. Finishing up 2011 is a fantastic accomplishment! I would be celebrating! I am going back and working on 2011 now and have just finished four weeks. I'm trying to scrap 2011 at the same time as I am keeping up with 2012. So far it's working, but I would much rather be DONE with 2011. Congratulations!!

  5. Very cute.. oh that poor toe looks painful.. poor baby!! great week of photo's. I am still doing journaling for 2011.. at least all my photo's are in place..haha good for you for finishing!!

  6. Yay on being done with 2011! I am encouraged to see some many people who have done a full year of PL continue on to do it again. I have access to a lot of different places who develop photos pretty cheaply and a good quality photo printer. That's what helping me keep up. Otherwise I wouldn't have layouts to share each wee. Putting them together a week at a time is what's helping keep me on track and actually doing PL. In the past I dropped out in February. So for me it's worth the expense of printing each week, but that being said I don't have to pay shipping each week. Snapfish runs some great sales so if I had to go that route I'd be waiting and printing out several months at one go. I think in that case I'd have to keep up with the journaling cards or I'd forget what to write about each one.

  7. Great pictures, and great job finishing up last year's album! Looks like your kiddos will be about as far apart in age as my two little ones. It's busy but I love it! Hope you feel great in your last few weeks :)

  8. Congrats! On finishing 2011, on the pregnanacy, and on your great photos this week. I know how time consuming PL album can be and good for you to have 2011 done! I totally agree with your "I" and "!!!" comments. I do the same with both and wondered when I was creating our 2011 album if it should be we or "mommy". In fact, I think once Maddie was born in Sept. I did switch tenses and tagging every few weeks.
