Let's hit the highlights real quick ...
- I quit my job. I won't be going back to teaching in August. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I'm going to miss my kids, the teachers, and the school! But I just couldn't stand the feeling of leaving my girl every day. I wasn't giving my kindergartners my best. I wasn't giving my daughter my best.
- I'm hoping to start an Etsy shop soon! I'm working right now to build up an inventory. I want to be able to give people choices right from the beginning so I've got to get busy!
- I've been in a major decluttering mood and anything in our house that isn't breathing is subject to being trashed, thrifted, or sold.
- Scoot celebrated her first birthday in June. That has to be the fasted year in the history of my life!! She is amazing and I'm so excited and blessed to be able to spend every day with her now!
- I'm actually up to date with my project 365! I've taken a picture every day for a little more than the first half of 2011! wowzers! I love this project!
My goal is to start recording more of life here. To keep my "journal" more updated and not let 5 months go by before I tell a funny story about my sweet girl.